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Welcome to the American Photo photo blog! We colorize black & white photos for museums, educators, media . . . . . and families like yours.

A visit to our website gets you started:

The year is 1958. To kick off “4th Of Julie Week” at the American Photo photo blog – we’re presenting some of our photo animation and great Doo Wop/Rock & Roll music by The Pyramids. The song is “Hot Dog Dooly Wah” recorded in 1958. So, turn up the volume to “11” – and roll back the rug. It’s Singing Hot Dogs video time, as produced a few years ago at American Photo’s “Redwood Avenue Studio” on the beach in Southern California.

Maximize your viewer to Full Screen, crank up the speakers, pedal to the metal, and “Straight on ’til morning!”

At American Photo Colorizing, our goal is to shred the black & white veil that separates us from the exciting, vibrant lives of those who came before us. It’s time to “Go Color” with your vintage and antique family photos. Your ancestors are counting on you!