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The year is 1915. The Brooklyn Dodgers outfielder is Charles Dillon Stengel, better known to New York fans as “Casey” Stengel – then a lad of just 25 years. I say this because Casey always looked “old”. He was dubbed “The Old Perfessor” at the ripe old age of 24. His major league career stretched from 1912 to 1965. Casey Stengel is an American “original”. There’s never been anyone in baseball quite like him – and no way to do justice to this baseball icon in just a few paragraphs.

1915  - Casey Stengel (O)

Playing for Pittsburgh in 1919 against his former Dodgers teammates – Casey came to bat amid the roar of heckling Brooklyn fans. Not one to be discouraged, Casey turned to the crowd, doffed his cap, and out flew a sparrow! The jeers turned to cheers, and Casey’s reputation for the unexpected was born.

1915 - Casey Stengel - Brooklynn

But, Casey’s real legend was as manager of the New York Yankees (1949-1960) and the Amazin’ Mets (1962-65). The Old Perfessor led the Yankees to 5 straight World Series Championships. In 1962 he returned to baseball after a two-year retirement, to manage the irrepressible New York Mets – the losingest team in baseball.

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In their first season, 1962, “The Amazins” won 40 games, while losing 120. Casey, in his usual bemused manner, told sports reporters, “I’ve been in this game a hundred years, but I see new ways to lose I never knew existed before”. And yet, The Mets became New York’s lovable underdogs. Their fans packed the Polo Grounds in 1962-63, and later, at Shea Stadium. They came with horns. They came with colorful banners that lined the park. It was a three-ring circus, with Casey as ringmaster.

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In the New York area, Casey was a celebrity. Casey’s witticisms were known as “Stengelese” – and they filled the sports pages. He was a sports editor’s dream. So, here’s a tip of the cap (sans sparrow) to one of the most colorful characters of major league baseball lore.

Casey was your grandfather – IF your grandfather was Popeye the Sailor Man. The resemblance was uncanny.

Casey Stengel Ad (1963)

“Colorful characters” like Casey Stengel are just one reason why American Photo Colorizing was founded, established, institutionalized (???) . . . Our goal is to shred the black & white veil that separates us from the exciting, vibrant lives of those who came before us. It’s time to “Go Color” with your vintage and antique family photos. Remember . . . your ancestors are counting on YOU!

IN OTHER NEWS: We had a big party this week to celebrate David’s birthday. Here’s a pic of Sales Exec, Sally Maynard smashing a chocolate cream pie in David’s face. We really know how to have a party here at American Photo!

David & Sally Pie Face (March 16, 2014) 720x540 dpi